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Find and share your current GPS coordinates or translate coordinates to location on a map

Find and share your current GPS coordinates or translate coordinates to location on a map

Vote: (4 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: stock-screener

Version: 1.40

Works under: Android


Program license

(4 votes)






Works under:



  • Provides real-time geographical coordinates.
  • Offers the ability to share coordinates with others.
  • Includes conversion of coordinates to latitudinal and longitudinal readings.
  • Offers a range of map views, including terrain, street, satellite, and hybrid options.
  • Free to install and use.


  • Requires GPS to be activated on the smartphone, which may drain battery life more quickly.

Latitude Longitude: An efficient geo-coordinates tool for Android users.

Main Features and Capabilities

The Latitude Longitude app is a powerful tool designed to offer users exact geographical coordinates of their location in real-time. The app's name reflects its straightforward functionality; it enables users to access their precise latitude and longitude coordinates and share them with others as needed. This feature is particularly useful when navigating from one place to another, or when marking a specific location.

To access these features, users must activate the GPS system on their smartphone. The app also includes the functionality to convert coordinates into latitudinal and longitudinal readings, adding to its overall utility.

Additional Map Choices

Beyond its basic functionality, Latitude Longitude presents users with a range of geographic mapping options. Users can choose to view maps based on terrain, street addresses, or satellite imagery. Additionally, users have the option to combine any two of these selections to create a hybrid image, offering a more comprehensive geographical view.

This software application comes with no associated installation cost, making it an accessible tool for anyone in need of geographical information.


  • Provides real-time geographical coordinates.
  • Offers the ability to share coordinates with others.
  • Includes conversion of coordinates to latitudinal and longitudinal readings.
  • Offers a range of map views, including terrain, street, satellite, and hybrid options.
  • Free to install and use.


  • Requires GPS to be activated on the smartphone, which may drain battery life more quickly.

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